FreshMarker Switch On Directive

Nothing is so good that it can’t be reworked. The switch directive in FreshMarker differed from the FreeMarker variant quite early on. FreshMarker’s switch directive does not have a fall-through mechanism. This mechanism is a legacy of the C language family, whose switch statements with break also found their way into the template syntax. Since the end of 2024, FreeMarker now also has a new switch directive. How can this be incorporated into FreshMarker?

FreshMarker Bricks

In a Reddit forum, a suggestion was made to support template fragments in FreshMarker. Template fragments are parts of a template that can be used individually. The question that naturally arises is why would you want to use parts of a template individually? After all, many template engines offer the option of construct a template from different sources using include instructions. Such an include can then also be used individually.

FreshMarker and ⊻, ¬, ≠, ≤, ≥, ∨, ∧

Sometimes a new feature also needs to be a bit of fun. When updating the FreshMarker Grammar, I noticed that the operators lt, gt, gte and lte were still present. These are variants of the usual <, >, <= and >= operators and are reminiscent of the opcodes of a long-forgotten era when assembler languages still roamed the steppes of programming. Since FreshMarker was given its Unicode capabilities by CongoCC, the question arose as to why not allow ≠ and other operator characters in the template.

FreshMarker Sorted Hash Lists

I really like it when I can add new features to FreshMarker, especially if they are easy to implement and integrate elegantly into the overall system.

FreshMarker Import Directive

FreshMarker is an embedded Java template engine that focusses on extensibility and simplicity. For this reason, every implementation of an extension is associated with weighing up its pros and cons. For a long time, the import directive therefore remained an unrealised feature.

Rocinante – the class generator

In the first article on Project Rocinante, we discussed the processing of Protocol Buffer definition files with CongoCC. In this post we will create the first Java classes based on this definitions.

Rocinante – a poor mans protocol buffer

For a software developer who wants to improve his own skills, it is always helpful to try out new topics. A nice side effect of such small projects is that you always get new material for articles like this one.

Eigene DSL mit CongoCC erstellen (2)

Java Bibliotheken

Im ersten Beitrag zum Thema wurde eine einfache DSL zur Verarbeitung von CSV Dateien vorgestellt. In diesem Beitrag soll die DSL um einige weitere Feature ergänzt werden.

Trivial Pursuit – API MarkDown (2)

Fasst drei Jahre nach dem ersten Beitrag zum eigenen API MarktDown ergibt sich ein zweiter Beitrag zum Thema. Bei der Durchsicht der eigenen Projekte fiel auf, dass in dem Projekt rest-markdown-plugin noch immer FreeMarker als Template-Engine verwendet wurde. Die erste Ad-Hoc Umstellung der Template-Engine auf FreshMarker scheiterte jedoch kläglich.