FreshMarker Performance (1)

FreshMarker started as an academic project. The main aim was to show how a template engine can be created. At some point, however, the question arose as to how fast the template engine actually is. To be honest, it has been slow so far. But first things first.

Null Equality in Templates

This is an article that reports directly from the bowels of FreshMarker. It is therefore mainly worthwhile for readers who want to know a little more about how FreshMarker works.

Generating AsciiDoc from OpenAPI.yml

Sometimes changes to a library are made so easily that it’s not really worth talking about. The Maven Plugin from posts Build Automatisierung mit eigenen Mojos verbessern and Trivial Pursuit – API MarkDown generates AsciiDoc documentation for simple OpenAPI descriptions. So far, the Maven Plugin uses a JSON description as input format. Since the YAML representation is used more frequently, its support would also be desirable.

Consumer Contract Testing

Anyone who has ever worked with Web APIs, and who hasn’t, will be aware of the difficulties of testing in an API environment. When testing an API, there are two sides to consider, that of the producer and that of the consumer. If both do not work hand in hand, then problems are inevitable. Consumer contract tests are designed to avoid some of the difficulties in API testing.

Mutation Testing

Java Bibliotheken

When I first heard about mutation testing, I was – to put it kindly – very confused. The idea that we change our code to see which tests fail doesn’t look particularly promising at first glance. But if you take a closer look at the approach, you realize the potential it holds.

Records on the rise – Goodbye Lombok

Since the introduction of Java Records in Java 14 (JEP 359), their support in many frameworks has continued to grow. Support is now so great that we should consider banning Lombok from all our projects.

Bitemporal Data Storage

When storing data, their temporal changes are often not sufficiently taken into account. The following example of a club member database shows the problems of simplified temporal data storage and the advantages of bitemporal data storage.

Presentations with AsciiDoctor

Sometimes even developers want to present something. It’s nice when there’s a tool that picks up the developers in their comfort zone. Software developers are a special clientele and have very specific requirements for a software solution for creating and giving presentations.

Better names for JUnit 5 Test

Java Bibliotheken

The JUnit 5 test library offers a wide range of options for extending the framework and thus simplifying the work of software developers. One of these options is the DisplayNameGenerator, which can be used to modify the generation of test names in the console output. When creating exercises for a course, I was surprised to find that there is a DisplayNameGenerator that replaces underscores with spaces, but none that handles the camel case form. Fortunately, this can be changed.

Error Details in Spring Boot with RFC 7807

Java Bibliotheken

Spring Boot has an excellent error mechanism for REST endpoints. A @RestontrollerAdvice provides handling methods for various types of exception that can occur when processing REST requests. If you are not careful here, you can end up with an unsightly spread of different error message formats.