Passage of Time Events

It’s not that often that a design pattern really blows my mind anymore, but recently I discovered the Passage of Time Pattern by Mathias Verraes. This pattern describes how to deal with time-dependent processes in event-based systems. What makes this pattern stand out is its elegance and simplicity.

Error Details in Spring Boot with RFC 7807

Java Bibliotheken

Spring Boot has an excellent error mechanism for REST endpoints. A @RestontrollerAdvice provides handling methods for various types of exception that can occur when processing REST requests. If you are not careful here, you can end up with an unsightly spread of different error message formats.

Microservice Anti-Pattern

Nach einigen Beiträgen zu Microservices soll in diesem Beitrag ein wenig über die Schattenseiten der Technologie berichtet werden. Insbesondere über Bad-Smells und Anti-Pattern, den falschen Lösungsansätzen, bei der Entwicklung eigener Microservices.