FreshMarker – compile it! (2)

In the first article on static FreshMarker templates, some basic thoughts were put on paper. This article is intended to set a first milestone on the way to supporting much faster templates than before. As a nice side effect of this initial work, a pretty printer for FreshMarker templates will be created.

FreshMarker Version Variable Fixes

FreshMarker is strongly characterised by KISS and YAGNI. This makes the template engine lean and yet powerful. But in some places, the simplicity leads to careless mistakes.

In the first versions, the system variable .version was defined as a constant for the FreshMarker version. Unfortunately, this meant that the version number was regularly forgotten to be updated before the release.

Generating AsciiDoc from OpenAPI.yml

Sometimes changes to a library are made so easily that it’s not really worth talking about. The Maven Plugin from posts Build Automatisierung mit eigenen Mojos verbessern and Trivial Pursuit – API MarkDown generates AsciiDoc documentation for simple OpenAPI descriptions. So far, the Maven Plugin uses a JSON description as input format. Since the YAML representation is used more frequently, its support would also be desirable.

Rocinante – project automation

After the Rocinante project has mastered some basic functionalities of Protocol Buffer, the project automation is now to be improved by a Maven plugin.

Presentations with AsciiDoctor

Sometimes even developers want to present something. It’s nice when there’s a tool that picks up the developers in their comfort zone. Software developers are a special clientele and have very specific requirements for a software solution for creating and giving presentations.

Error Prone on Java 17 and beyond

Java Bibliotheken

The Error Prone library from Google is a useful tool for detecting unnecessary Bug Patterns in your own sources. When converting some of my own libraries to Java 17, the Error Prone checks suddenly stopped working. The problem was quickly identified, but fixing it was a real strain on the developer’s patience..

Build Automatisierung mit eigenen Mojos verbessern

Das automatisierte Erstellen von Software hat eine lange Tradition. GNU Make erblickte 1976 das Licht der Welt, Apache Ant im Jahr 2000, Apache Maven 2002 und Gradle 2007. Dies sind nur die bekanntesten Tools zur Build Automatisierung, viele weitere sind bis heute entstanden und es werden wohl noch einige erfunden werden. Alle diese Tools haben ihre Vorzüge und Nachteile und je nach Projekt und Technologie bietet sich eine Tool besonders an. Häufig kommt ein Entwicklungsteam mit den Maven Standard Plugins aus. Hin und wieder gibt es aber den Moment, wo ein zusätzliches Plugin wünschenswert wäre.