Back to the Ancestors

Christmas is a contemplative time. You meet up with friends and family and enjoy being together. Until a family member gets in touch and asks for a new printout of the family tree. Family trees were a topic on this blog in 2018 and since then it has been rather quiet on the subject.

Review of the Advent of Code 2024

This year I took part in Advent of Code for the first time. Advent of Code is an exciting and challenging annual competition in which a task has to be solved every day from December 1st to December 25th. The task can be solved using any programming language such as Java, Typescript, Python, Rust, SQL … Read more

FreshMarker bei der JUG Bielefeld

Am 8. Januar 2025 ist es soweit, der erste Vortrag über die Template Engine FreshMarker. Um 18 Uhr stelle ich die Kernfunktionalitäten der Engine vor und erläutere außerdem, was ein Entwickler neben dem Programmieren, sonst noch alles beachten muss.

FreshMarker and ⊻, ¬, ≠, ≤, ≥, ∨, ∧

Sometimes a new feature also needs to be a bit of fun. When updating the FreshMarker Grammar, I noticed that the operators lt, gt, gte and lte were still present. These are variants of the usual <, >, <= and >= operators and are reminiscent of the opcodes of a long-forgotten era when assembler languages still roamed the steppes of programming. Since FreshMarker was given its Unicode capabilities by CongoCC, the question arose as to why not allow ≠ and other operator characters in the template.

FreshMarker Template Engine 1.0.0

I am proud to announce the release of FreshMarker 1.0.0! Having started as a small example for blog posts two years ago, FreshMarker has evolved into a robust and versatile framework designed to meet diverse templating needs.

From near misses on footpaths

If you have read this article, then you will know that I am a left-hander, or rather a left-turner. But you will also understand why we humans perceive some things completely differently and why simple math explains this.

Presentations with AsciiDoctor

Sometimes even developers want to present something. It’s nice when there’s a tool that picks up the developers in their comfort zone. Software developers are a special clientele and have very specific requirements for a software solution for creating and giving presentations.

Rocinante – a poor mans protocol buffer

For a software developer who wants to improve his own skills, it is always helpful to try out new topics. A nice side effect of such small projects is that you always get new material for articles like this one.

Of bridges and tunnels – agile system creation

Tunnel constructions are classic waterfall projects in which extensive planning is carried out and then construction can be completed without major changes. There are geological surprises from time to time, but a tunnel plan is, quite literally, set in stone.

Deutsche Drama Numbers validieren

Die deutsche Bundesnetzagentur stellt eine Reihe Drama Numbers für Medienproduktionen bereit. Diese Telefonnummern sind für die Nutzung in Fernsehen, Radio, Broschüren und anderen Medien gedacht, in denen keine tatsächlich genutzten Telefonnummern auftauchen sollten. Der Spider Murphy Gang mag man die Wahl der Telefonnummer +40 69 32168 verzeihen, denn die bestehenden Drama Numbers passen alle nicht in das Versmaß.Eine Drama Number in einem Beispiel zu nutzen ist eine freundliche Geste um niemanden Anrufe durch Witzbolde aufzubürden, andererseits sollte niemand eine Drama Number in ein Pflichtfeld der eigenen Web-Anwendung eingeben können. Daher sollte eine Validierung der Telefonnummer auch die deutschen Drama Numbers erkennen können. Die Telephone Bibliothek bietet solch eine Validierung über die @GermanDramaNumber Annotation.