The Java String Template Processor

Java 22

With Java 22, string interpolation is fighting for its place in the Java ecosystem. What works in other languages and many frameworks should now also simplify the work of Java developers. Some wishes are fulfilled for the developers, others unfortunately not and some would never have been expressed. But more on that later.

Custom Temp Folders in JUnit 5

Java Bibliotheken

It is always instructive to look at well-known open source projects to learn from the implementation used. Sometimes you look at the unit tests and start to wonder. A serious problem with large and old frameworks is the time-consuming adaptation to changing environments. Modern features in libraries such as JUnit 5 simplify the code base immensely.

Records on the rise – Goodbye Lombok

Since the introduction of Java Records in Java 14 (JEP 359), their support in many frameworks has continued to grow. Support is now so great that we should consider banning Lombok from all our projects.

FreshMarker – Custom String Types

Some additions to a framework are so trivial that they don’t really deserve their own article. On the other hand, as a developer, you may ask yourself why this addition has taken so long. For unknown data types, FreshMarker uses the interpretation of the class as a Java Bean by default. This is a good solution for many POJO, DTO and Entity classes, but in some cases the class should be used as a primitive FreshMarker type.

Rocinante – repeated fields

The Rocinante library has now passed some important milestones. It can read and write messages and masters the scalar base types. The next step is now to support Repeated Fields. Repeated fields are the Protocol Buffer counterpart to lists and arrays in other protocols.

Rocinante – project automation

After the Rocinante project has mastered some basic functionalities of Protocol Buffer, the project automation is now to be improved by a Maven plugin.

Rocinante – encoding and decoding

The third article on Rocinante finally deals with the interesting part of the protocol. How the parts of a message are encoded into the binary Protocol Buffer representation and decoded again. Rocinante uses a two-stage approach. The basis is formed by a ProtoInputStream and a ProtoOutputStream, in which the basic mechanisms are implemented. For each message a generated Proto class with individual read and write methods is based on this.

Rocinante – the class generator

In the first article on Project Rocinante, we discussed the processing of Protocol Buffer definition files with CongoCC. In this post we will create the first Java classes based on this definitions.

Rocinante – a poor mans protocol buffer

For a software developer who wants to improve his own skills, it is always helpful to try out new topics. A nice side effect of such small projects is that you always get new material for articles like this one.

Welcome Gatherers!

With Java 22, the Gatherers (JEP 461) have joined stream processing. Until now, stream processing consisted of three parts: the source, intermediate operations and a terminal operation. While the source and the termination operation were already quite flexible since Java 8, there were few possibilities to break out of the existing set for the intermediate operators.