Clamp and other new Java 21 methods

Java Bibliotheken

A Java developer always likes to look into the JDK, like a magician in his old tomes, to see if there is an unknown spell, er method, with which he can improve his source code. In fact, Java 21 has introduced a lot of new methods that make everyday life a little easier.

Welcome Gatherers!

With Java 22, the Gatherers (JEP 461) have joined stream processing. Until now, stream processing consisted of three parts: the source, intermediate operations and a terminal operation. While the source and the termination operation were already quite flexible since Java 8, there were few possibilities to break out of the existing set for the intermediate operators.

JSR 354 – Ihre Nummer fürs Geld

Java Bibliotheken

Nicht jeder JSR schafft es direkt ins JDK und dann vergisst man schon einmal, das seit 2015 eine Referenzimplementierung für Java Money existiert. Wer mit Geldbeträgen und Währungen nicht mehr direkt auf BigDecimal arbeiten möchte, sollte sich deshalb unbedingt Moneta anschauen.